(815) 363-0103
2964 Commerce Drive Johnsburg, Illinois 60051

Vital Pulp Therapy / Pulpotomy

Vital Pulp Therapy Can Save Your Roots

What Is Vital Pulp Therapy?

The goal of vital pulp therapy (also called pulpotomy) is to save healthy dental pulp in the root of a tooth that has decay in the crown. In this procedure, we remove diseased pulp from the crown of the tooth and fills the crown with medicated material to preserve the healthy pulp tissue in the roots. Vital pulp therapy is only recommended when there is no swelling or abscess around the tooth and it is not loose. It may also be recommended for an injured baby tooth to save it from early extraction.

Why Not Place An Implant Instead Of Trying To Save My Tooth?

It is always better (and less costly) to preserve as much of the natural tooth as possible. Implants are expensive and require a long recovery period, but pulpotomies and root canal treatment allow you to keep your tooth. A pulpotomy is preferable to a full root canal when the pulp in the root is healthy, because the procedure is less invasive.

How The McHenry Dentist Can Help

If you are experiencing tooth pain or have damaged a tooth in an accident, contact The McHenry Dentist right away. We will examine the tooth and determine what type of treatment will be the best option. Call us at (815) 363-0103 or send us an email.